when prophecy fails

any leftist who thoroughly criticises the left, and follows through on the implications of that critique, will soon find themselves expelled from its ranks, through extensive smear campaigns, accusations of personal impropriety, political deviance, "fascist sympathies" etc

by expelling everyone who doesn't abide by the unspoken opportunist logic of the market, they eliminate the possibility of critique. this forecloses even the possibility of basic human decency in social relations between members, let alone achieving any of the transformative political projects they ostensibly aspire to.

every "critic" then, who remains within the left, who is ALLOWED to remain within the left, is a master of rhetorical illusion. they're selling a simulacra, "criticism" that always affirms the premises of the left, never questions them, never unsettles them. these critics are engaged in a shell game, thier only function is mystifying the fact that the left is reactionary. It's critics are ironists without irony, jokers without jokes, satirists without satire. They're cynics. They have no beliefs. They can defend nothing. They can sustain nothing. Blood soaked, filthy, shameless and gormless cynics. 


  1. What is insane is how quickly the Doxa of the non-Marxist Left can change overnight and their inability to sustaining stable values.
    NAMBLA-type pedophilia was trivialized and encouraged by the intellectual elites of the 1970s.
    Now if an 20 year old girl dates a 40 year old, it arouses disgust and general disapproval among SJWs.
    The same people claim that a 9-year-old is mature enough to decide to change his gender, take hormones, and do heavy surgery.
    Just as all pro-pedophile Maoists have denounced their past positions, transgender fashion will be considered a "scandal" in 30 years.


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