
Showing posts from February, 2021


switched to substack:

Lobbying for The Pro Act? Pass.

I imagine the leftists won't appreciate what I'm getting at, but it's really quite an absurdity for these Democratic Party lobbying orgs to demand workers "fight" for legislation. They already put President Biden in office, using the time and resources of damn near every major trades union in the country, only to then demand workers now "join the fight" for legislation? i.e. lobby politicians to do their job! To simply hold up their part of the bargain? Biden started his campaign in a Pennsylvania trade union hall,  was elected with massive assistance of the unions, promised to be the "most pro union president ever", and yet one of his first events as president was to hold an event with major Democratic donor, Pennsylvania union busting law firm Bollard Spahr.... Workers should work to advance their collective interests, resisting bourgeois exploitation, regardless of whether it comes in the guise of a bureaucratised union or an HR department o

50k followers — still simping! 🤣


Ross Wolfe and Carl Beijer both acknowledged contradictions implicit to "open borders" sloganeering — until they didn't.

It became opportune to pretend otherwise in the Trump era, because leftism is opportunism that lurks in the shadow cast by the Democratic Party, and it's media and academia minions, whether they admit it or not. carl beijer attacking the liberal defence of open borders (2015) ross wolfe attacking an earlier iteration of the same

the guardian

sucks. bigly.  so does israel.  so does the riddler. I don't agree politically with any bourgeois publication. I assess things in the world based on what happened, not how I feel about the parties involved. I think the riddler is a jerk, but if his position in an argument was righteous, I would stick up for the principle, irrespective of the parties involved. One need not like the person embodying it, to stick up for a principle. It's actually really easy, much easier than prevaricating, and formulating a post hoc rationale based on whether I like a person or not. I've got lots of friends with wack ass ideas, and know plenty of jerkoffs, who are more "right" on a number of political issues than people I personally like a lot more.  censorship (explicit and implicit) to prevent criticism of Israel is a real thing, a real problem, one that I condemn unequivocally. is that what happened to Nathan? no. I did a long twitch stream about it the other day, but just though

when prophecy fails

any leftist who thoroughly criticises the left, and follows through on the implications of that critique, will soon find themselves expelled from its ranks, through extensive smear campaigns, accusations of personal impropriety, political deviance, "fascist sympathies" etc by expelling everyone who doesn't abide by the unspoken opportunist logic of the market, they eliminate the possibility of critique. this forecloses even the possibility of basic human decency in social relations between members, let alone achieving any of the transformative political projects they ostensibly aspire to. every "critic" then, who remains within the left, who is ALLOWED to remain within the left, is a master of rhetorical illusion. they're selling a simulacra, "criticism" that always affirms  the premises of the left, never questions them, never unsettles them. these critics are engaged in a shell game, thier only function is mystifying the fact that the left is rea

The Predictable Riddler


What am I doing here?

Not entirely sure yet! Just need an outlet for my posting energy. Feel free to screenshot anything and share on Twitter or other places.  xx A

Romantic Managerial State

Therapeutic Managerial State — Infantilising you and your leaders. Why in heavens name are we encouraged to relate to Joe and Jill in personal, romantic terms? Absurd!

Valentines ♥️


Carl Skid-Marx


full r*tard

Zionist? lmao I don't give a shit about Israel.  It's an apartheid state backed unequivocally by both major parties in the United States. Every leftf*g associated with the Democrats and the DSA pretending to give a shit about Palestinians is engaged in a game of valor arbitrage. You all vote for Democrats, sheepdog for Democrats, engage in apologetics for Democrats. Then you huff and puff about Netanyahu and the "right", but don't say or do shit about Obama signing the biggest military aid deal with Israel in US history, nor mention Lizard Warren's repulsive support for Israel nor any of the million other instances of leftoids being up Israel's ass when it suits them, and keeping quiet whenever it doesn't. I see you. You're pious frauds. You think nobody can see you assholes exploiting Palestinians trauma for career clout? I can see you. You're repulsive.

Fired for Untruth

  Is anybody going to mention that the plantation riddler was quite happy to comply with the guardians so called censorship rules, instantly deleted the tweets, kissed his bosses ass, and in a later email he further committed to complying with any stipulated boundaries going forward? Doesn't the fact that he then sent pitch after pitch to the newspaper that was allegedly unwilling to criticise Israel, undermine his claims to legitimacy? He came up with the firedfortruth martyrdom meme six weeks later, because they didn't accept his subsequent, unrelated, story pitches. He didn't give a shit until it allegedly impacted his being commissioned as a columnist, when he figured out a way to reframe the story into one of his being victimised as a proud truth teller.

Bernie Madoff

Bernie Sanders two campaigns collectively raised (and spent) almost half a billion dollars, the vast majority of which comprised of small sums from working and middle class small donors. Half a billion dollars.